Tuesday, September 3, 2013

What inspired me to become a booktuber/blogger

I've been thinking about this a lot, and I would have to say my love for books, and wanting people to be happy. Also, there were several book tubers that inspired me to start trying to be a book tuber/blogger, not that it will work, but the ones who inspired me were:
Heather of Bookables
Kat of Katytastic
Cat of Little Book Owl
Jesse of Jesse the reader
Christina of Polandbananasbooks

These book tubers inspired me to try doing what I love on the side of school. The first booktuber I ever watched videos of was Heather from Bookables, she got me to try filming, even though I didn't post the video, and after watching polandbananasbooks, bookables, and katytastic, I decided to try posting a video, and then watching little book owl, and jessethereader, I posted another video, and now have several videos ready to post, and am doing the blog. So, I think that, that is how I got started in doing a book blog and booktubing.

Also, as I said before, my love for reading and want to share that with others helped too. I know how hard it was (and still is) to find something to grab my attention and keep it until the end, and I feel that now that I have found a system, I should share it with others.

Thank You!

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